Deborah Schrameck, NC, PT |
Are you aware of the constant feedback your body is giving you about your state of health and wellness? How many nagging symptoms are we accepting on a daily basis that are just common but not necessary to endure? Many of us are frustrated and looking for answers.
I have been in this very position of frustration. Suffering from chronic fatigue, unable to work, depressed and looking for answers. My medical practitioners were convinced I was depressed and needed to be medicated. My family thought I was just exhausted and my friends’ thought I just needed to suck it up, put on my big girl panties and get on with it. Well, none of this worked and I continued to decline. Fortunately I was introduced to Wholistic Kinesiology and it changed my life. Unfortunately I chose, yes I chose, to suffer for a while before seeking help. Learn from my lesson and act now. |